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About Us

The Graze Master Group is your ag solutions network:
At the Graze Master Group, we are Balancing Nature & Profitability.  It’s Agriculture – Done. Your. Way.

  • We customize proven, profitable production strategies for your farm, ranch, and agribusiness by assessing what you are leaving on the table and leaving no stone unturned.

  • Our expert and experienced ag input analysis ensures you are optimizing your current resources.  

  • Our professional farm and ranch financial planning team can give you the peace of mind that your assets are secure, and a plan is in place for future generations.

  • Effective communication is the foundation of a successful business, and we build this vital component into all aspects of our services.

Contact us for a no-cost, no-obligation phone call to learn more:

Graze Master Group Founders:  


Del Ficke  (402)

Kerry Hoffschneider (402)

Build your perfect beast, the Graze Master way.

"I dedicate this video to my father Kenneth Ficke and offer it as a guide to everyone's generations to follow, so they know if the road doesn't exist they have the potential to just build it." Del Ficke. 

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